Monday, 31 January 2011

A very exciting opportunity

Hot HR is pleased to announce that Harmajinder Hayre, Employment Partner from Ward Hadaway solicitors has joined Hot HR on LinkedIn! 

How is this different to other groups on LinkedIn?

Harmajinder has joined the group as a strategic partner in association with networx and will be posting a weekly SPEED READ and NEWSFLASHES as well as getting involved in discussions exclusively for Hot HR.

Harmajinder is the only Employment Law lawyer involved in the Hot HR group, this means that he will provide advice and updates relevant to the group. 

Please make use of this fantastic opportunity by joining Hot HR and feel free to ask him any questions and communicate via discussions regarding any aspect of employment law.

We will be working on other areas of development to enhance your experience within Hot HR, so watch this space!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Welcome to the new blog of HOT_HR

Hot_HR started off as a LinkedIn Group dedicated exclusively to HR Professionals. The group continues to grow from stength to strength and a wealth of information is posted within the group on a weekly basis. I have therefore set up this BLOG to facilitate the distribution of this information across multiple platforms.
There really is some good information being posted and it's a shame not to share it!!!
So if you are a HR Professionals and are keen to find out what's Hot in HR then please don't forgot to visit our blog for our weekly digests! Alternatively you can also become a member of the group and participate in discussions as they happen.

Become a member of Hot_HR on LinkedIn

I hope this is of interest and look forward to sharing this information with you.